
Monday, February 4, 2013

How To Groom Your Eyebrows Perfectly 1

Lots of women have a problem grooming their eyebrows & also, choosing the best eyebrow shape that fits their face. Its not so difficult but sometimes we get carried away by the looks of other peoples eyebrows instead of concentrating on ours.

I found out that, of all makeup issues we face, the eyebrows are the most constant & disturbing, causing a major dent in having a beautiful makeup look. Also, from my previous post "Tips on Perfecting Your Eyebrows"(, I also got loads of comments and questions on eyebrow grooming. So, I'm going to take my time this week to teach or guide you all on how to groom your brows & choose the perfect brows for your face shape.

The first stage of eyebrow grooming is to identify your face shape. This is also the first stage to creating the most beautiful look. So ladies,make sure you have no makeup on, pull your hair back and away from your face, sit in front of a mirror and start analyzing.

There are six face shapes and they are; Oval, Round, Long, Square, Heart & Diamond face shapes. The chart below should help in case you don't know what they look like

Face Shape
Face Shape
Face Shape
Face Shape
Face Shape
Face Shape

Just in case you are still not sure, i'll outline the features of these faces below;

Oval Face Shape
Round Face Shape
Long Face Shape
  • forehead is wider than the chin
  • prominent cheekbones
  • face gracefully tapers to a narrow oval chin
  • face is almost as wide as it is long
  • face is widest at the cheeks
  • forehead, cheekbones and jawline are all about the same width
  • can tend to have a prominent chin
  • has an elongated appearance
Square Face Shape
Heart Face Shape
Diamond Face Shape
  • forehead, cheekbones and jawline all about the same width
  • squared jawline is the most obvious feature
  • similar to oval but the chin tapers to a point.
  • not as common as the other face shapes
  • typically the face is highly angular
  • the forehead is somewhat short
  • the face is widest at the temples

Once you have successfully determined what face shape you have, the next step should be choosing the right kind of eyebrows that will fit your face shape. The elevation of the arch is what really determines the shape of the brows so that's going to be one of our major focus tomorrow because this its also a determinant of the kind of eyebrow shape that'll fit your face.

This is where I'm going to stop for today, the next stage will be posted tomorrow, so make sure you follow my blog to learn in full "How To Groom Your Eyebrows Perfectly" by submitting your email in the box . Thanks a lot for reading, will glad to read your comments & also reply.

~Perfect Mélange~


  1. Who gets to shape dis eyebrow
    Me or any body dat tells me she can do it , orsome one like u?

    1. You can shape your eyebrows yourself with proper guide & continuous practice which will be included in the later part of this post. You can also get a 'professional' to do it for you to avoid the stress.

  2. This has been really helpful, i'm oval shaped and i think the arch on the oval face is just rright for me, will practice more. Thanks Girl!
